Role of Different Educational Agencies in Value Based Education



Values of standards, cultural tenants, decisions and actions, Different Educational Agencies, Value Based Education


Values are the standards and codes of conduct, which are conditioned by one‟s cultural tenants, guided by conscience, according to which one is supposed to conduct himself and shape his life pattern by integrating his beliefs, ideas, and attitudes with a view to realizing the cherished ideals and aims of life. High values lead to fair and correct decisions and actions and ensure the welfare of all concerned, while low values carry out exactly the opposite. Values are essential for the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of an individual. Value is the relationship between a person and environmental situations, which evoke an appreciative response in the individual. Values contribute to the welfare of the larger social unit such as the family, the community, and the nation of which the individual is a member.
Today is the time when we are badly in need of Value basic education and a Teaching System that inculcates among the young students values that they need to imbibe and embalm within because there is a crisis of values among all- somewhere little, somewhere huge!. Value is the major determinant of accepted behavior and the guiding principle for interaction in all human societies (Olyai, 2005)1. It is the extent to which a behavior conforms to the value system of the people that determines the acceptability of such behavior. Value-based education is the prime need of today‟s world as it imparts social, moral, integrity, character, spirituality, and many more. It builds the qualities of humility, strength, and honesty in a person; so that, they can become better citizens of the country. People with high ethical values will never cheat others. Through values education, People are taught to cooperate with each other, they make their lives happier and work hard to make others happy. Value-based education is the only means by which
can give the younger minds the right direction.


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How to Cite

Lt. (Dr.) Pravesh Kumar, & Noor Aisha. (2018). Role of Different Educational Agencies in Value Based Education. Jai Maa Saraswati Gyandayini An International Multidisciplinary E-Journal, 3(IV), 442–447. Retrieved from