
Funding and Sponsorship:

The main aim of the Publisher(Welfare Universe) and the Endeavor of the Journal “Jai Maa Saraswati Gyandayni An International Multidisciplinar e-Journal” is to provide FREE ACCESS for reader(s), researcher(s), author(s) etc. and to maintain the dignity as defined in all over the world of “Green open access Journal” 

The costs/expenses of management or development of the journal will be funded by the support(s)/Sponsor(s) or through personal support(s) of any institutions or organizations Universities, Conferences, Companies, etc. or by the Publisher through their business model.  

Type(s) of Sponsors for us:

  1. Financial Sponsor(s)
  2. Service(s) Sponsor(s)

Our Recent Sponsor(s)/supporting: 

  1. Informatics Publishing Limited (https://www.informaticsglobal.com)
  2. Perception Publishing (https://www.perceptionpublishing.in)


Please contact for become our sponsor write here office@welfareuniverse.com