Can a Purchased Product “The DESIGNER BABY” claim any Right?


  • Ms. Manpreet Kaur Rajpal


Assisted Reproductive Technique, Surrogacy, Transformed Motherhood, Designer Baby


Abstract Children are a Treasure their worth we cannot Measure. Children are the ultimate gift to two people who love each other. There is no bigger responsibility, and yet a relationship with a child, can bear the greatest rewards. It is not exaggerating to say that CHILDREN are one of the most precious gifts of God to every living creature on this planet. And it’s docile here to say that a woman is complete when she becomes a mother & a family is complete when a child is born. But unfortunately there are some couples who remain shunned from this magnificent God gift. Advances in Assisted Reproductive Techniques such as donor insemination and, embryo transfer methods, have revolutionized the reproductive environment, resulting in Surrogacy, as the most desirable option. The system of Surrogacy has given hope to many infertile couples, who long to have a child of their own. But at the same time Surrogacy is challenging the Social, Legal, Ethical and Religious Ethics and Ethos of Mankind. My Research paper throws light on the darker side of Surrogacy and try’s to answer the question “Whether a Child who is purchased by the Intended Parents has any Right?”

I have just submitted my Thesis on Surrogacy and so my Paper shall unveil certain facts which are the result of my Six years of Research on this topic. Under any Surrogacy arrangement, the Intended Parents are considered to be the most important party and therefore majority of Surrogacy contract are drafted in support of Intended Parents overlooking the Rights of Surrogate and the Child. The Surrogate Mother and the child born via Surrogacy are totally neglected in the entire arrangement. My paper shall act as a reservoir of Knowledge as I have left no stone unturned to enlighten the readers about the Pathetic and Deplorable life which the product named as “DESIGNER BABY” are bound to live once they are born.




How to Cite

Ms. Manpreet Kaur Rajpal. (2021). Can a Purchased Product “The DESIGNER BABY” claim any Right?. Jai Maa Saraswati Gyandayini An International Multidisciplinary E-Journal, 1(II), 32–47. Retrieved from